Computools’s High Quality Work Is Certified By ISO 9001: 2015

Learn more about Computools’s quality management system.

Mar 01, 2021

Computools was recently certified by ISO 9001:2015 for excellence and adherence to international standards. The ISO 9001 specifies requirements for a quality management system and getting a certificate assures that the company fully conforms to the standard.

Computools is committed to delivering the highest quality service to best meet the needs of customers and regulators. One way to achieve this goal is to increase the efficiency of the company through internal management processes improvement and reorganization.

For structured and solid everyday operation Computools had adopted seven core quality management principles: customer focus, leadership, engagement of people, process approach, continual improvement, evidence-based decision making, relationship management.

Through internal audits, continuous measurements and analysis Computools enhances internal processes to achieve higher efficiency and reliability. Risk-based thinking and preventive actions allow avoiding pitfalls and bottlenecks in management.

Computools is a human-focused service company, which means that everything from developing software solutions to managing the internal work environment is made with people’s needs in mind. The company follows a plan-do-check-act methodology and applies a process-oriented approach to documenting the structure, responsibilities, and procedures during the work on a project from the very first step to product delivery and maintenance.

The ISO 9001:2015 certificate assures the company’s credibility and confirms that Computools develops structured and solid software solutions that meet customer requirements and expectations.


We Consult, Design and Engineer Software Solutions to Help Companies Meet the needs of tomorrow

01. IT Consulting

Create the right IT strategy with the best return on investment in your software solution

02. Software Design

Unlock the full potential of your software solution with right user experience and user interface

03. Software Engineering

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04. Team Augmentation

Scale, leverage, and benefit from the on-demand workforce


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