Employee Training and Development at Computools

Computools’ biggest asset is skilled and qualified personnel trained from the ground up

Key Deliverables

Computools’ Ecosystem of Growing Employee Competencies


Great Minds Think Alike

Computools is a community of like-minded teams. Hiring specialists with similar philosophy is the key to staying true to our core values. The staff training program is primarily oriented on cultivating the growth mindset and the proactive and initiative attitude to work.


Expert Team

Computools is extremely interested in hiring the most brilliant minds to work on its projects. The IT leader supports young specialists by investing in the IT education provided at local universities. The staff training internship founded and financed by Computools helps junior developers and QA engineers grow into middle specialists under the supervision of knowledgeable and experienced Team Leads.


Collaborative Approach

Computools’s expertise-sharing approach lies at the heart of the staff development plan. Employee growth and development results from constant connection between mature experts and younger generations of specialists that aspire to adopt their knowledge. Computools assigns the best professionals with relevant expertise and knowledge to work on software projects and create flawless digital products tailored to the client’s needs.

Computools’s Laboratory
of Tech Talents

Stage 1

Setting up a tech talents lab

Computools collaborates with leading universities across Ukraine and Poland, including the “University of Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization” in Kyiv, the National University “Odesa Polytechnic” in Odesa, the “Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas” in Ivano-Frankivsk, and the “Don State Technical University” in Dnipro. In Poland, Computools partners with prominent technical universities such as the “Warsaw University of Technology”, “Wrocław University of Science and Technology”, and “Lodz University of Technology”. Additionally, Computools has opened a center for Software Innovation and Research hosted at the National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic,” the biggest regional educational institution. The partnership is focused on engaging the most promising young students keen on building an IT career in Computools’s internship program. The IT partner-university collaboration takes place annually, with more young professionals getting hired at Computools.

Stage 2

Teaching gifted learners

The staff training and development program creates a favorable ground for learners to collect theoretical knowledge and gain hands-on experience from the best Computools’s specialists. The internship lasts 1 to 3 months, depending on the trainee’s capabilities and level of education. Every intern receives an individual development plan aimed to improve their skills and is assigned to a mentor whose responsibility is to enable and support the trainee’s development and progress.

Stage 3

Recruiting the best members for Computools

The candidates studying with excellence and showing superior potential are offered to take a place in Computtols’s team upon the internship completion. So far, Computools has hired more than a dozen graduates who possessed sufficient competence and technology expertise to qualify for software developer or QA positions. The tech talents laboratory continues its operation with a view of discovering more outstanding individuals aspiring to become IT professionals.

Computools’s Training Areas

1:1 Meetings

A one-to-one (1:1) meeting is a monthly performance-monitoring practice aimed at reviewing the employee’s achievements and discussing work-related issues connected to their job responsibilities. One-to-one meetings allow only an employee and their manager in a conversation in which they speak of the employee’s professional hurdles and career opportunities.

Individual Development Plan (IDP)

An individual development plan is a basic staff development activity designed to align employee growth and development with the company’s objectives. IDPs are actively used across all departments and act as a basis in the employee-supervisor relationship. A standard IDP covers an employee’s mission, career goal, and short-term and long-term objectives. The IDP’s role in Computools’s training ecosystem is to assist personnel in faster and smoother career development.


Computools encourages employees to improve their competencies within the company as well as through participation in external certificate programs. Both approaches allow employees to upgrade their skills during online and/or offline learning as a result of which they can bring more value to the company. Every received certification promotes an employee up a career ladder and empowers them to apply for a higher job role.

Training Activities

The employee training and development system is equally focused on assisting personnel in participating in conferences, workshops, seminars, and other academic events that help employees develop their hard and soft skills and fill the skills gap. Regular involvement in academic events has proved to keep personnel interested in their job positions and growing into subject-matter experts.

Expertise-Sharing Sessions

Computools’s inside practice is expertise-sharing sessions organized between Team Leads, Managers, and their teams. The purpose of these sessions is to let employees strengthen their skills and adopt expertise from experts who know all the ins and outs of their work. With such weekly sessions, Computools can guarantee the robust growth and development of junior-level team members into middle and senior-level professionals.

Knowledge Base

The whole expertise collected throughout Computools’s performance is stored in the knowledge base accessible to every team member and managed by the staff development coordinator. Having the most essential and business-related knowledge in one place saves employees time and enables them to fulfill their projects in the best manner possible.

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