Maksim Gavrishko

Head of Digital Infrastructure

Maksim Gavrishko


“Success in digital infrastructure is not just about maintaining systems, but about empowering teams to innovate and secure a seamless digital experience.”

Maksim Gavrishko is the Head of Digital Infrastructure. He ensures the company’s IT framework’s uninterrupted operation and robust security. He manages specialised teams, guides them to enhance operational efficiency and drives innovative development within the organisation.


Beyond managing current infrastructure, Maksim is keen on identifying future trends and technological advancements so as to position the company to leverage new opportunities in a constantly evolving landscape.


Mr Gavrishko’s ability to balance security with innovation is not just a skill, but a strength. It makes him an invaluable asset to Computools, ultimately contributing to its sustained growth and success in the industry. His ability to balance these two crucial aspects of IT makes the employees feel confident in the company’s direction.

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